Our Team

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Andrew Sealy

Andrew Sealy is a connection catalyst, a yoga artist, and a movement creator. He is internationally recognized for his yoga teachings and wellness leadership. Andrew's teachings of Compassionate Self Love and Infinite Positive Potential inspire practitioners of all walks of life worldwide. Through the unique practice of Yoga and Mindful Living, Andrew embodies progressive knowledge while positively empowering his students with the tools needed for sustainable growth. Andrew’s teachings aim to answer the question: How can we adapt to create and evolve to sustain?


The Co-Hosts of Yoga Revealed are honored to host a platform of over 250,000 listeners across the world!

Sharing the wisdom of the teachers teacher and helping others access life changing wisdom for FREE!

Share the Yoga Revealed Podcast with a friend, teacher, and welcome this wisdom into your life.


Alec Vishal Rouben

Alec Vishal Rouben is inspired to have stumbled upon a path of service! His personal practice reveals strong gems on how to move towards mastery in his unique offering of yoga to the world, influencing fellow brothers and sisters, while receiving wisdom from his Community. Alec feels an unbounded dedication to cultivating a continued state of Study, as he comes to understand the nature of life through the lens of Yoga. Alec immediately dove into devotion, for the sense of peace that has come from a committed practice, relieving the defeating waves of depression, confusion, and anxiety that life seems to produce.  Alec’s teachings aim to answer the question: What are the correct poses to best serve my life, here today? This is learning true self-reliant healing systems through yoga.